The Matsuda Sangyo Group Human Rights Policy was enacted on December 16, 2022, based on the Basic Policy on Sustainability, to serve as the basis for all our business activities Group-wide.
This Policy was resolved by the Board of Directors of Matsuda Sangyo Co., Ltd. The full text is available on the company’s website.
- Scope of application
This Policy is applicable to officers and employees of the Matsuda Sangyo Group.
The Matsuda Sangyo Group requires everyone who is involved in our business activities to support this policy, and to adopt a similar policy.
- Responsibility to respect human rights
The Matsuda Sangyo Group will fulfill its responsibility to respect human rights by putting in place the appropriate remedial measures to rectify the situation, as well as preventive and mitigation measures, in cases our business activities are found to have an adverse impact on human rights arise or contribute to such adverse impact. We also encourage everyone who is involved in the business activities of our corporate group to take the appropriate steps in situations that have an adverse impact on human rights.
- Compliance with applicable laws
The Matsuda Sangyo Group complies with laws and regulations that are applicable in the respective countries and regions where we conduct our business activities. In situations where contradictions arise between internationally recognized human rights and the laws and regulations of the respective countries or regions, we take the approach of respecting the principles of human rights that are recognized internationally.
- Commitment to human rights issues
The Matsuda Sangyo Group complies with the laws of countries and regions and fulfills its responsibility of respecting human rights across all its business activities.
We recognize that addressing the following human rights issues is an important element, and put thorough efforts into ensuring compliance by the officers and employees of our company, such as by incorporating respect for human rights into the Matsuda Sangyo Group Global Code of Conduct.
- We will eradicate and abolish all forms of discrimination in recruitment and employment based on race, ethnicity, nationality, creed, religion, disability, descent, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, health conditions, etc.
- We do not tolerate any form of harassment, nor any behavior that is hurtful to others both physically and mentally.
- We do not tolerate forced labor and child labor.
- We respect the freedom of association and right to collective bargaining in accordance with laws that are applicable in the countries and regions where we conduct our business activities.
- We will comply with laws pertaining to wages and the working hours that are applicable in the countries and regions where we conduct our business activities, and strive to reduce excessive hours, while at the same time securing wages above the minimum wage stipulated by law.
- Human rights due diligence
The Matsuda Sangyo Group conducts human rights due diligence periodically and continuously, for the purpose of identifying, evaluating, preventing, and mitigating the adverse impact of business activities on human rights. In cases where our business activities are found to have an adverse impact to human rights, or to contribute to such adverse impact, remedial measures are taken through the appropriate means.
- Dialogue and consultation (engagement with stakeholders)
The Matsuda Sangyo Group utilizes the expertise of external parties in the field of human rights in the implementation of this Policy, and at the same time, proactively engages in dialogue and discussions to identify issues and work toward improvements, with stakeholders who are actually or potentially impacted adversely by human rights.
- Education and raising awareness
The Matsuda Sangyo Group conducts appropriate education and capacity building for officers and employees of the Group, and strives to implement activities to promote understanding among everyone who is involved in the Group’s business activities.
- Reporting and information disclosure
The Matsuda Sangyo Group discloses information on its human rights initiatives based on this Policy, through its website, reports, and other means.
- Governance and promotion system
With regard to the status of compliance with this Policy and the Group’s human rights initiatives, the Sustainability Committee reports periodically to the Executive Board and Board of Director of Matsuda Sangyo Co., Ltd., and promotes human rights initiatives under the supervision of the Board of Directors. The Group has appointed a person-in-charge of the implementation of this Policy, who will be responsible for overseeing compliance with this Policy in our business activities.
- Whistleblowing and complaint processing
The Matsuda Sangyo Group advocates a free and open communication culture. Employees can consult with their supervisor about human rights concerns, or report through the internal whistleblowing system established based on our Reporting Management Regulations. We have also set up external reporting contact points on our website that stakeholders within and outside the company can use to report on any violation or concerns related to the Policy for Responsible Management of Precious Metals . We will work on building an effective whistleblowing and grievance mechanism to capture and address the human rights concerns of all our stakeholders in a timely manner.
We promote female empowerment based on the Act on the Promotion of Women's Active Engagement in Professional Life, such as by reducing the gender gap in the average number of years of continued service, and introducing reduced working hours systems for childcare and nursing or family care.
Matsuda Sangyo has a labor union, and we strive to maintain healthy labor-management relationships through regular labor-management consultations.
Through the operation of the childcare and nursing or family care leave systems and the injury and sick leave system, we strive to create an employee-friendly environment that gives consideration for the individual circumstances of employees. Based on the amended Act on Childcare Leave, Caregiver Leave, and Other Measures for the Welfare of Workers Caring for Children or Other Family Members , we revised our Childcare Leave Regulations and introduced a parental leave at birth system to ensure that both male and female employees are able to strike a balance between work and childcare demands.
We have also concluded a labor-management agreement that makes it possible for employees to work during their leave if they wish to do so.
Going forward, we will continue to work on developing an environment where the child-raising generation can work with motivation in.
The Matsuda Sangyo Group believes that strategic implementation of employee health management can contribute to the revitalization of the organization, such as by improving productivity and vitality among employees. This in turn leads to improvements in business performance and raises our value as an organization. In view of this, we enacted the Health Declaration in FY2021 and are actively engaged in health management.
The Matsuda Sangyo Group strives to maintain and improve employees’ health through efforts that are rooted in its basic philosophy, “Respect humankind; the capacity of humankind is limitless.” We consider people to be the greatest asset a company can have. With that in mind, we will promote health management in a way that is always based on maintaining harmony among people, with a view to building a healthy and cheerful workplace where all employees can give full play to their individuality and capabilities.
Enacted: April 1, 2021
Masayuki Wada
Executive Officer in charge of Human Resources